Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Let he who cast the first stone against ISLAM

For the majority of those possessed with double figure IQ,  Islam is clearly an oppressive belief system which devalues the life experience and degrades the human condition. A common charge directed against proponents of Islam is that its barbaric practices are inhumane and indefensible in this age where many can read, write and do basic math, and are therefore not able to cite total blithering idiocy as a basis for belief.

As a music maker I know that my position in Islamic belief is as 'an offense against God'. This applies to anyone who uses musical instruments to make music. Have a piano or guitar in the house? You too are offending Islams God.

It is quite incredible for any mind developed past the basic level of reading and counting past ten that anyone making an informed choice would opt for Islam and the intellectual submission this requires.

This bemusement is frequently accompanied by feelings of superiority,  commonly based on the premise that our Western social order, predicated on rational informed thought process, is demonstrated, infallibly, in any intelligent argument to be superior in every way that serves to improve the individuals life experience.

Well blow me over with a whiff of onion yoghurt breath. I was wrong. Islam is not rooted in the dark ages of black ignorance. They do have a place for scientific consideration.

I have just read Article 104 of the Iranian Penal code.

This deals with the size of stones to be used in the punishment of the Adulterer. Specifying that the stones used should "Not be large enough to kill the person by one or two strikes, nor should they be so small that they could not be defined as stones."

Evidently over enthusiastic Muslims were using stones too large for purpose and the whole event was over too quickly. Women in this scenario are buried up to their chests before the stoning begins. Hardly worth coming out for if its over with the first, second, or third stone.

I am sure you will share my relief in learning that Islam incorporates science so intelligently into the legal process and that the wasteful nature of a quick end for adulterers has now been put to rights.

Nine women and two men in Iran are currently waiting to experience the benefits of this law.

Perhaps LastMinute.com will do a weekend package to coincide with the occasions of public stoning. A chance for us to sample local culture and witness Sharia law in action. Would certainly make for a memorable trip I think. The holiday rep could hand out copies of this 'appropriate stone size law' to prevent any holiday makers keen on participating in local customs from falling foul of the accepted conventions.

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