Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Travel and Islam

Andrew Brown, 43, from Middlesex has a lesson for anyone considering a visit to Dubai. His reward for visiting Dubai last Month is a 4 year jail sentence. A .0003 gram speck of cannabis, too small for the naked eye to see, was detected on the sole of his shoe (the outside part) by the drug detector at Dubai airport.

Tracy Wilkinson, 45, from West Sussex was stopped at Dubai Airport and arrested. She was carrying codeine pills, for back pain. She spent 8 weeks in a Dubai prison before being released. Being caught at Dubai airport with over the counter cold remedy's which include codeine will land you in jail for 4 years.

Still thinking of traveling to Dubai or the UAE? Or investing in their fabulous Environmentally catastrophic developments?

Dubai airport has state of the art detection equipment. They have a list of prohibitive substances that includes poppy seeds - as used in many a British sandwich - and they have a mandatory four year jail term for any offender, no matter how small the amount.

So - best you not eat a sandwich at Heathrow before flying to Dubai. If it has a poppy seed covering, you will not be the first to face a mandatory 4 year jail term for this offense.

Possession of prohibited substances is not limited to actual physical possession as in Western law. Arrests and mandatory 4 year jail terms will follow if, for instance, you have smoked cannabis within 6 weeks of entering Dubai or UAE. This is because residue in the bloodstream is considered as possession in their law. Traces of prohibited substances in hair, blood and urine have been used to secure 4 year convictions.

As is well known in the UK and the US, most used bank notes have a residue of cocaine. This means your Gran could be locked up for 4 years for carrying cash in her wallet through Dubai Airport. That is if she wasn't done for the residue of codeine found in a hair sample from medication she took to calm her on the flight.

Before you visit Dubai or UAE, ask yourself what the Prophet would do. Praise be upon his shame.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Athanase Seromba

Here is a gentleman with a lesson for those battling to understand the problems that beset the dark continent.

Athanase is a man of God. A Pope man, spreading the Catholic word around Africa. After doing much good work with the people in his home parish in Rwanda, Athanase moved to Italy continuing his work as a Catholic priest near Florence. Neither he nor his employers saw any contradiction between spreading Catholicism and Athanase's tribal recidivism that saw him kill thousands of his own parishiners. (He locked them inside his church, got his mate the bulldozer man to crush the building, making sure that any survivors were dispatched to the Lord via Panga and pistol.)

Now those pesky Athiests from The United Nation War Crimes tribunal have interpreted Athanases good use of his Church in what is quite obviously a racist way that makes him sound like a criminal. For heavens sake. They have sentenced the poor fellow to life imprisonment.

We hope the Pope will intervene and save him from what is clearly a racist attack on his good character by the United Nations tribunal. I can only assume it because he is Black?

As the Catholic church has already paid out over 1 Billion US Dollars to US victims of, how shall I put this, Athanasetic conduct in the US, it is easy to see how God works in mysterious ways for the Catholics. Surely they can just spend a bit more to pay off the alleged 'victims' and send Athanase back to minister to the Catholic demands in his home country.

My hope is that the Catholic lawyer Tony Blair and his Barrister wife Cherie will direct their collective legal expertise towards a defence for Athanase and restore him to his rightful place, where he is needed most, doing Gods work in Africa once more.